Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

I’m told it’s a very good place to start! So let’s go over the basics shall we?  Who I am, the overall theme of my wedding, and why I started this blog!

I am a 24-year-old caught in life’s limbo land that so many others my age face! I am in between graduating from college and getting a “real job.”   To give myself credit though, I am a month away from become certified as a special education teacher! Woot Woot! Because I will most likely not get a job until next school year (thanks to 9 weeks of student teaching I still need to do) I will be substitute teaching a lot this year, leaving me (hopefully) plenty of time to plan this wedding!  Besides furthering my education and planning this wedding, I spend my time playing with my golden retriever, reading good books, and baking yummy cupcakes. Life is good, no?

I am sure you know that every wedding has a theme. Whether it be 

Image via Style Me Pretty

Image via Every Last Detail 

Image via 100 Layer Cake

Image via Ruffled

Image via Weddingbee
or offbeat,
 every wedding has a unique ambiance that relates directly to the personalities of the bride/groom.  I personally had a hard time coming up with a theme that I felt was “us.”  I consider myself to have a pretty passive, go-with-the-flow personality so I never feel strongly toward one thing or another.  I did know, however, that I wanted our wedding to be unique, casual, and fun.  So that helped trim down the list. Elegant, classic, modern are out.  So that left beach, outdoor/rustic, or offbeat.  While I did live in Southern California for most of my young life, I do not feel a strong connection to the beach.  Plus with my height, I need to wear heels and I can’t imagine trying to walk in the sand! And now it’s down to outdoor and offbeat.  As far as offbeat goes, my fiancé and I are not obsessed with anything cool enough to have it be a theme, but I did like the idea of having offbeat tendencies. And that leaves us outdoor/rustic.  With my fiancé (let’s call him Mr. Dizzy) being born and raised in Montana, it was definitely something we could pull off.  So like any new bride-to-be, I scoured the internet for outdoor/rustic inspiration.  Unfortunately, nothing really seemed to click.  And then I stumbled upon pictures like this and fell in love.
Source Unknown
{couldn't you just die for those suspenders?}
Image via Intimate Weddings

Image via Weddingbee

And with the unanimous approval of my fiancé, my family, and my bridesmaids, we decided on a theme: whimsical vintage.  I am sure you all agree this will fill our requirements perfectly: unique, casual, and fun.  We are so excited!!

For those of you who are curious, I didn't always want to have a blog.  The idea first came up when I was talking to my MOH on the phone about wedding details (boo for MOHs living in another state!).  She casually suggested I start a blog.  I quickly dismissed the idea simply because I have never thought about writing a blog and I didn’t think I was tech-savvy enough for the job.  But after reading more and more wonderful blogs, I became inspired and the thought came up again.  And just to share, my favorite wedding blog is called Weddingbee.  As much as I love other blogs and their amazing photos, there is something about having a community of women sharing every step of their wedding journey.  These posts are from real people who honestly care.  They share every detail of their experiences (the good, the bad, and the ugly). They consistently provide supportive feedback.  And they each have a darn-cute name! As I began following Weddingbee religiously, I felt more and more connected to this community and had a passionate urge to contribute. I began looking into how to become a “bee” and I noticed that all applicants must have their own blog.  So here I am, a “wannabee” (very fitting, right?!) blogging with the hopes of being one of the greats.  

Did anyone else have a hard time figuring out a theme for their wedding? Are there any other “wannabees” out there?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Humble Beginnings

Well here I am…attempting my very first blog! Ever since I became engaged, I have been a devote follower of numerous wedding blogs (hit me up if you wanna know some good ones!) and have been inspired to create my own! While I am quite excited for my new venture, I am perfectly aware that the likelihood of someone besides myself (and the occasional bridesmaid I sucker into reading it ha!) actually following this blog is highly unlikely. But if you are stumbling upon this, welcome! 

I am sure you are asking, why is this titled The Wannabe Wedding? I know, I know, it has a sort of negative connotation associated with it. But if you know me, it makes perfect sense.  Many people consider me crafty or creative.  I simply consider myself a master of copying people. While I do have a creative imagination, I hardly, if ever, come up with the grand ideas on my own.  I rely on the internet, my mother, my sisters, and the people I surround myself to gather ideas and make them my own.

So back to the wedding…

We are having this wedding on a budget.  And when I say budget, I mean budget.  On most of my wedding blogs, if you are having a beautiful wedding on a “budget” you are not spending less than $10,000.  We are planning on spending half that.  So I am out to prove people wrong. That yes, one can have a beautiful, blog-worthy wedding for $5,000.  How is that possible? It’s all about copying people’s wedding ideas with a budget-friendly DIY twist. And hopefully at the end of all this, we can create a wannabe wedding that people believe to be the real thing.  

How many of you out there are also trying to create a unique wedding on a small budget?