Saturday, November 5, 2011

No excuses...well, maybe just two biggies...

So sorry readers!! I have been so so SO negligent. And for that I apologize.  As the title suggests, two big things are happening in my life (ok maybe just one big thing).  First, and I may have mentioned this before, is that I got a second job.  I have been searching for quite some time now and I finally got one.  So I have been busy getting trained while still subbing during the day.  Once the holidays start rolling around, I will officially be working from 8 in the morning until 11:30 at night. Yup. Life will be rough.  But its only for this year.  I needed a second income for when I start student teaching (stupid student loans) and we've got a wedding to pay for!!  

And wanna hear the second big thing that's taking up all my time? Drum roll please......

Mr. Dizzy and I are going to buy a house!!!

This was a spur of the moment decision that was made after we turned in an application for a rental house. Once all the adults in our lives realized how much we were going to be paying each month in rent, EVERYONE, including my parents, strongly encouraged that we look into buying a house instead.  So we looked into it and found that, yea, we would be idiots to not buy right now.  With the help of a friend, we got hooked up with an amazing, and I mean AMAZING real estate agent and lender! And here we are, in the very beginning stages of looking for a house! We just got pre-approved for a loan so we are officially shopping!! HOW CRAZY! I never thought we would buy a house this early but I am not complaining.  

I will try my hardest to keep up on this.  If it makes you feel better, I have not even thought about the wedding this whole past month.  (yikes! I have a sneaking suspicion things are going to start creeping up on me!)

Have big things ever completely consumed your lives? Is there anyone else out there taking advantage of all those first time home buyer's perks out there? Did anyone else buy a house a lot sooner than they thought they would?