Friday, September 23, 2011

Bridesmaid Buzz

Hello again! As I was getting ready to write a post yesterday afternoon, I received a Facebook message from one of my bridesmaids.  She was pretty much just checking in asking me what’s new in my life and how wedding plans are going.  It was then that it dawned on me…I have been horrible about keeping my ladies in the loop!! I just thought I was doing them a favor by keeping them out of the mundane details of hiring a DJ, photographer, etc.  But I failed to realize that all while this time, there have been a TON  of little details that are floating around as well (such as planning a dessert bar, having a vintage-y theme, and so forth).  If I want any of their input (which I do! They are all so talented!), I kinda need to keep them up to date with these things!! So I was trying to figure out the best way to handle this.

I have seen a couple of people create a bridesmaid newsletter on WeddingBee.  I loved this idea but I really wanted to create an interactive atmosphere where we could all chat together. Plus I wanted to share some of the pictures I had for inspiration. So I happened to stumble on a website someone created for their bridesmaids.  Perfect!! So I went to and created a website last night! I tell you what, I have never heard of Wix before yesterday but I must say they are fabulous.  The program is so easy and common-sensical (yea I made that into a word) and I think all their templates are pretty darn classy.  I wanted to make one that was not ‘wedding’ looking so I found this cute template that was actually used for an online clothing store.  Yay! Who doesn’t love polka dot flats?

So I created five pages: Home, Inspiration, The Wedding, The Look, and How Can I Help?

The Home page I kept simple.  I just added pictures of all the ladies with their names (all of them know each other, except one…who knows no one! So it was more for her sake).

On the Inspiration page, I simply put up just a few of the plethora of pictures I have as inspiration so the ladies would know what look and feel I was going for.  Hopefully this helps so they can give more specific suggestions, keep an eye out for similar ideas, and give them a heads up on what sorts of projects I will eventually sucker them into making!

{Trust me...there are more pics that the 3. This is a slideshow}

On the Wedding page, I just put up a blurb about some of the basics like our venue, photographer, and DJ.  I also put a bit on the groomsmen since they will have to deal with them for a solid day or two.  I also wrote some ideas of what we wanted for our ceremony. I hope to add to this page as time goes on.

{Blurred for privacy}

Then I added a The Look page specifically for how they will be dressed.  I posted some of my inspiration pictures (including a picture of each: real flower bouquet, button bouquet, and fabric bouquet. I’m still undecided on what to do so I wanted to see what they thought!) along with a picture of their dress. I will add to it when we get more components put together.

{Spoiler alert! You are seeing their dress!}

And finally, and perhaps most importantly, I put up a How Can I Help page.  I know these gals are so eager to help me out and I hope to put up projects on here as time goes on. At this moment, I am more asking them for ideas but it still gives them something to think about.  I also added a comment box on this page.  I thought it would be a great place to suggest ideas where everyone can be involved.

So that’s what I did last night instead of posting here! I am really curious to see if this website will actually be beneficial…

Did anyone else make a bridesmaid newsletter or website? What other things could I add to the website that would help my girls out?

All photos are personal images